Tuesday, December 29, 2009

SEO Web Design | Greenville Search Engine Optimization

SEO Web Design | Greenville Search Engine Optimization

Website Design Deadly Sins that Sustains Static Traffic

Website Design is a vital part of SEO optimizing. Most people think web design is haphazard. But what they don’t know is killing their businesses. Did you know that 80 percent of all webmasters have NO experience in SEO optimizing.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “Deborah, what does that have to do with putting up a site”?

The answer…EVERYTHING…that is, if you’re trying to appear on the first page of Google and the other search engines.

Asking some webmaster to SEO your website is like asking your cardiologist to perform a root canal. They’re both highly trained specialist but they are trained in different areas. However, there are a few web designers that know SEO strategies.

Just remember big companies pay Big BUCKS to SEO Experts to help them get to the #1 spot on Google and to keep them there.

You may be thinking that’s pretty expensive. But compared to the other advertising mediums it’s a drop in the bucket…well maybe not a drop in the bucket…you know what I mean.

Lets look at what it cost to advertise in the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, TV commercials, or radio. In short it’s EXPENSIVE!!!!

So that leads us back to website designing. Having a fancy, light blinking, whistle blowing website will get you just as far as red lipstick, false eyelashes, and a pretty face. In today’s economy both will have you in the soup line.

I’ll repeat my instructor’s mantra…no frames, no flash and keep it simple. Where have you heard that before. Web sites has to serve a dual purpose.

1.To please the search engines
2.To please the visitors
That’s walking a thin line, however with the right knowledge it can be done effectively.

In order for a website to do well in the search engines, it has to be laid out and optimized properly. That’s why before we finalize any site we build or service we perform a 7-point optimization check inspection. The days of hoping, wishing, and praying for web traffic is over. Get your website design checkup.
You need SEO Help?

You need SEO Help?

Did you spend Thousands of dollars for your cre’me de la cre’me website and still you’re not on the first page of Google? Are you wondering how Jim’s Garage down the street is out ranking yours?

To find out if your website is Effectively optimized which will help you to show up in the search results… Click on the buy now button below.
(fill out the contact form…we will call you once we receive your payment.)
If you’re tired of bumping your head against the wall losing thousands of dollars per month on PPC and other advertising tactics, web visitors walking by your plush site going down the street to the dump, have your website analysis today.
For Only $79.00 $ 19.95… NOW until January, 5th 2009… get started resurrecting your business!

SEO analysis <==
(fill out the contact form…we will call you once we receive your payment.)

To reach the top of Google, certain optimization strategies must be in place. To see if your website is running on all 8 cylinders, schedule your 7- point optimization checkup Today.

Get Started Today and leave your competitors behind… For the next 50 27 customers …have your website analysis for ONLY $19.95…SHHHHH…Hurry before my husband finds out.

Don’t hesitate! Only 27 slots left…

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sharing of such information. we will pass it on to our readers. This is a great reading. Thanking you. Web seo specialist

